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Choose the better part (Intimacy and prayer)


June 6th 2022


Scripture References:

Ephesians 6:10

Psalms 25:14

Psalms 91

Psalms 27:4

Luke 10:42

Matthew 5:13-16

Acts 4:23-31


  1. What are we really longing for?

  2. Choose the better part

  3. He wants us to pray

  4. Yield to the Holy Spirit



What are we really longing for? Considering everything that is happening in the world - what we need God to do in and through us - we need to be diving deep into the things of God. Instead of being distracted by the things of this world, such as movies and series, we need to spend more time building ourselves up on the inside. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

Psalms 25:14 (TPT) says: “There’s a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of Yahweh, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.” We are “Psalm 91 believers” that dwell in the secret place of the Most High. He is our ONE thing. There are places in Him that only His devoted lovers can access. Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to Him. Jesus said that Mary had chosen the better part. God wants us to choose the better part.

Furthermore, He wants us to pray. We are called to be the salt and the light of the earth. We are a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. We are the body of Christ on the earth and conduits of the Holy Spirit. We are God’s agents to advance the Kingdom of God and to declare that the Kingdom of Heaven is here. It is our responsibility to stay filled with the Holy Spirit; we want our prayers to become completely Spirit-led, having the Holy Spirit in and upon us. We need the counsel of God to know where and when to go.

The Holy Spirit has been prompting some of us. The Lord has been speaking things to us in dreams and in visions. He has been speaking to us in various ways, but we didn’t press into it and didn’t act upon what He was saying. We didn’t wait on the Lord to receive more instruction about what He desires for us to do and we might have missed some opportunities. God is redeeming these things. Now we are going to know to yield to the Holy Spirit and to act upon what God is leading us to do.



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